26 September 2014

Money as You Grow - Financial Education Resources

Resources on Financial Education are just plentiful on the Internet. Here are several:

Many blogs on the subject of Personal Finance and Investment provide wonderful introductory explanations of these topics.  Investopedia is probably the most comprehensive, the ultimate Wiki for the investment peons.

Orcam Group Educational Resources does a decent job of extending the educational materials further.  You may want to give it a go.

For a kids friendly version, you may want to try the Secret Millionaires Club for a cartoon web series hosted by Warren Buffet.  Warren shares a piece of wisdom in each episode.  Guess he gave up on the adults and decided to start working on the kids instead!

Money as You Grow is a financial education package for children. It is for the US market, with different activities for children at different ages from 3 to 18+.

For Singaporeans, a very good source is the serious of talks organised by SIAS MyMoney series to educate Singaporean investors.

CPF has also been publishing periodically their In Touch magazine to better explain the CPF system and all its intricacies, as well as articles on health and financial education:

SGX is generating a suite of SGX E-Videos to educate the investment public at large. They appear to be in the midst of production, with more videos planned. The clips are actually published on YouTube.

Happy surfing!

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